Sunday, May 3, 2009

First 100 Days

Recently President Obama reached his first one hundred days in office and every news outlet was out to grade his performance. Obama has stuck hope in the hearts of millions to get us out of these difficult times we are facing, so lets take a look on how his critics have graded him thus far.
The right is offended about how he has dealt with foreign relations, literally bowing to the Saudi king, smiling and handshaking with Venezuelan socialist dictator Hugo Chavez and (figuratively) scraping to the Russians, the North Koreans, the Iranians, the Palestinians, the Cubans and the Europeans. Also how he has changed views on "harsh interrogations" opening the door to possible future prosecutions by the Justice Department. Lastly Obama’s budget would raise taxes by $1.4-trillion over ten years and would double the national debt to over $15-trillion. Like I said these are criticisms mostly from the right wing, while a lot of left wing believes it has been one of the most productive one hundred days since FDR. Personally though I cant give Obama a grade yet, its just going to take time to see if his legislation is the answer to our problems. I know the first hundred days is a benchmark for the presidency but Obama was put in a very hard position and I just cant put a grade on some of the huge legislation that was passed thats going to take years to actually make an impact on us.


  1. Chase,
    I can give Obama a grade. Unfortunately there is no known letter that portrays the "mell of a hess" he is getting us into. You said "Obama's budget would raise taxes by $1.4- trillion over ten years and would double the national debt to over $15-trillion". As I recall while Obama was campaigning he said “if you make less than $300,00…wait $250,000 oh gosh…..Ah yes his last number was $150,000 that you would not see your taxes raised by a single dime” Well who do you think is going to pay for the “stimulus” ? The taxpayers, that’s who. While we’re at it, what is going to happen when the stimulus money has run out? All the jobs that were created to “stimulate” the economy will no longer be plausible. The states that took the money will no longer be able to afford to pay the wages.
    The left wing believes it is the most productive 100 days because they get off on big government. The more people that rely on them, the more votes they will get.
    And as for his relations with our enemies, it is simply embarrassing to our Country that we appear to be running away with our tails between our legs. He is apologizing for all the wrongs done by the previous administration. The most powerful man on earth should not bow to anyone. He should not be shaking hands with a man who has time and time again spoken against America.
    Obama will go down in history for being the first African-American elected as President of the United States. He will also go down in history for failing to act on his promises, as well as putting this country in more debt than all previous presidents combined.

  2. I agree with Chase, Obama has been put in such rough position and the right wing needs to give him a break. I am tired of CNN, MSNBC and especially Fox News just to name a few, sitting on their butts and giving the president all sorts of nonsense grades. This whole idea of grading the presidents first100 days is just a screaming propaganda of news media hurting for ratings. Any competent and average intelligent journalist knows that it takes a lot more than 100 days to discover if a president has been effective or not. But yet they continue with their charade
