Thursday, May 14, 2009

Critique Blog

Catalina, my collegue recently wrote a blog explaining Teachers salarys needing to be raised. (
Catalina raised many good points. For one the amount of education neccessary to become a teacher, a BA bachelors. Also she mentions that these teachers are not only educator but sometimes mentors to these kids, which may I remind you is Americas future. Catalina says these teachers are not babysitters simply educators and need to be paid accordingly. I might disagree I think in a way a lot of them ARE babysitters and make no mistake thats no fault of their own, these teachers sometimes are resorting to babysitting because the lack of parenting skills at home, and gives the teachers much more to handle. Catalina explains the avg salary for teachers in Texas is 45k/year while in CA it's 65k/yr. My argument would be the reason for that is simply the cost of living in CA is much higher.

Either way I agree with Catalina these teachers need to be paid for the tiem and effort they put in. Teachers spend many hours after school tutoring kids, wanting them to succeed for the sake of none other than the child. I think the starting salary with should be around 50K/yr But with incentives according to their overall performances on some sort of regulated test i.e. TAKS/TAAS whatever they are calling it these days.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

First 100 Days

Recently President Obama reached his first one hundred days in office and every news outlet was out to grade his performance. Obama has stuck hope in the hearts of millions to get us out of these difficult times we are facing, so lets take a look on how his critics have graded him thus far.
The right is offended about how he has dealt with foreign relations, literally bowing to the Saudi king, smiling and handshaking with Venezuelan socialist dictator Hugo Chavez and (figuratively) scraping to the Russians, the North Koreans, the Iranians, the Palestinians, the Cubans and the Europeans. Also how he has changed views on "harsh interrogations" opening the door to possible future prosecutions by the Justice Department. Lastly Obama’s budget would raise taxes by $1.4-trillion over ten years and would double the national debt to over $15-trillion. Like I said these are criticisms mostly from the right wing, while a lot of left wing believes it has been one of the most productive one hundred days since FDR. Personally though I cant give Obama a grade yet, its just going to take time to see if his legislation is the answer to our problems. I know the first hundred days is a benchmark for the presidency but Obama was put in a very hard position and I just cant put a grade on some of the huge legislation that was passed thats going to take years to actually make an impact on us.

Evolution Theory

My colleague recently wrote a blog titled "If I had kids, I wouldn't trust them to Texas" (

In this blog JT explains the Evolution theory, and that she would not want to put her kids in Texas schools because of religion being forced on them. JT first goes over the physical evidence of evolution and quickly dismisses religion almost as wishful thinking/hoping. Then she analyzes the foundation of Christianity, the bible and how after thousands of years of hand written copies the translations must have been heavily misconstrued.

I actually do not have a problem with JT's view on evolution and for that matter the bible. I personally am a Christian so my personal response to JT and other millions out there with the same view is that why couldn't God have created evolution? Bare with me here for a second. He's omniscience right, so wouldn't he have known how evolution was going to play out? Thousands of years pass by him in the blink of an eye, thus leading to humans. I try not to get too caught up in the evolution debate because most people are set in their ways and its just a topic to stir people up. As far as JT's thoughts religion in schools I think people should have a choice, for the most part I think they do. Lets face it America seems to be "deChristianizing" more and more every day the public schools are becoming more and more politically correct therefore taking out any hints of religion. I personally don't care much for the PC BS, but thats why there are private schools for parents who want their children to be brought up in a Christian environment. Now funding for those schools is a whole different topic of debate.